Wednesday 3 May 2017

Finally arrived! (Travel part 4: Tanzania)

Entry #5

8:57pm (Tanzania), 2:57pm (home)
April 30th, 2017
Dar Es Salaam, Tanzania
Hotel with Creepy elevator

We finally made it! We crossed the boarders and feel great.
The group remains incredibly optimistic despite initially being told our bags did not arrive with us into Johannesburg (for me: they said my bag wasn't even "in the system." Not a happy time).

Johannesburg, almost there!

Our time in Johannesburg may have only consisted of getting from one plane to the other, but I'm saying it counts on my travel list anyhow.

Many of us used the short flight to Dar Es Salaam to nap, which was much needed.

I believe it is safe to say that each and every one of us was very happy to finally shower and change clothes once we got to our hotel.

Afterwards we walked a short way, taking in the good weather and people, we went to a nice spot for a bite to eat. Conversation was nice, but soon got I interrupted by a sight that captivated everyone at the table: thousands and thousands of bats passing overhead!

Calm before the cauldron (of bats)

We thought they may have been stirred by the loud speakers that played a spoken prayer, which echoed all around the city, as the 
bats came suddenly after.

There were so many filling up the sky and we had mistaken them for birds at first. They were larger and in greater numbers than I had ever seen in my life.

Very cool.

We returned to the hotel a short time ago to the delightful surprise of our bags at the front desk, having been sent to us late whole we were out.

We hope this positive energy carries over into tomorrow as we fly to Arusha, and stays with us during our week there.

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